Sunday, January 22, 2017
Corby Society Expansion
Corby Society Expansion
have to eliminate and stop posting Corby 2 feature downloads and add another one. It will still remain as our top-most priority, but we need to add another mobile downloads and content. Here are the things that we are going to add.
1.) New Mobile Features and Downloads
We will add more mobile phone features and downloads in the future. To ensure that we can give you the right mobile downloads, please contact us and tell us what mobile phone your friends and family are using ( including you ). This is somehow a sort of survey and can surely help us in the future. However, as we have said, Corby 2 will still remain as our top-most priority.
2.) Writing Articles
We will be writing more articles not just all about mobile phones but also various topics on the internet and daily life. We will ensure you to provide articles which can somehow be helpful to everyone of us. We will also write daily tips ( Random Topics ).
We hope that you will read the articles that we wrote and we are going to write. We take time to write these articles and we hope that you should also take time to read and reflect. If you still have enough time, please leave a comment. These comments can inspire us to write more.
3.) More Corby 2 Downloads
Our main recipe, Corby 2. Expect more and more feature downloads in the future. We will greatly do our best to satisfy our solid followers. But if you have something to share, why not share it with us. Send your own feature here and we will proudly post it with your name in credits.
4.) We need Authors
Our blag stats and reputation rises everyday. And so, we need to provide more posts to maintain its standing. Im afraid we could not do that. Due to limited resources, we cannot give our whole time to our blog and just to let you know, we are only renting a computer. If you have what it takes, then why not join with us. Please take note that this is voluntary. We are only earning an average of $5 from Adfly every month and so we can only pay you with a big "Thanks".
Thank you for reading this article. We will do our best to serve you better.
Go to link Download